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Entertainment Excellence: Tips for Event Planners

Event Planners Tips - Funny Business Agency

Planning events can be both exciting and challenging. As an event planner, you are responsible for creating an unforgettable experience for your attendees. One crucial aspect of event planning is entertainment. The right entertainment can enhance the ambiance, engage the audience, and create a memorable experience for everyone.

While choosing the perfect entertainment for your event may seem overwhelming, it doesn’t have to be. In this article, we will provide you with valuable tips and insights to help you excel in your entertainment planning efforts. From understanding the event requirements to measuring event success and feedback, we will cover it all. So, let’s dive in and discover the secrets to entertainment excellence!

Understanding the Event Requirements

As an event planner, one of the first steps in organizing a successful and memorable event is to thoroughly understand the event requirements. This involves gaining a clear understanding of the event type, identifying the target audience, and setting event objectives. Let’s dive into each of these aspects:

Determining the Event Type

The event type plays a crucial role in deciding the kind of entertainment that will be a perfect fit. Is it a corporate conference, a wedding reception, a charity gala, or a music festival? Each event type has its own unique requirements and expectations.

Identifying the Target Audience

Knowing your target audience is essential in order to select entertainment that will resonate with them. Consider factors such as age group, interests, cultural background, and preferences. Understanding your audience will help you narrow down your entertainment options and ensure that it resonates with the attendees.

Setting Event Objectives

Before choosing entertainment, it’s important to define the goals and objectives of the event. Are you aiming to educate, entertain, inspire, or raise funds? Knowing the purpose of the event will guide your decision-making process when it comes to selecting suitable entertainment options.

Once you have a clear understanding of the event requirements, you can start researching and selecting suitable entertainment options.

Researching and Selecting Suitable Entertainment Options

When planning an event, one of the crucial steps is to research and select suitable entertainment options that will make your event stand out and keep your guests entertained. Here are some tips to help you in this process:

Considering the Event Theme and Atmosphere

  • Event Theme: Consider the theme of your event and choose entertainment options that align with it. For example, if you’re organizing a corporate conference with a futuristic theme, you might want to consider hiring a digital illusionist or a tech-savvy DJ.
  • Atmosphere: Think about the atmosphere you want to create. Do you want your event to be lively and energetic or more relaxed and elegant? This will help determine the type of entertainment that would be most suitable.

Exploring Different Types of Entertainment

  • Live Music: Live bands or solo musicians can create a vibrant and engaging atmosphere. Choose a genre or style that suits your event and appeals to your target audience.
  • Performers/Dancers: Consider hiring performers or dancers who can captivate the audience with their skills and creativity. From acrobats and magicians to aerialists and fire dancers, there are endless possibilities.
  • Comedians: Laughter is always a great way to entertain guests. Hire a professional comedian who can tailor their act to suit the theme and audience of your event.
  • Interactive Entertainment: Engage your guests with interactive entertainment options like photo booths, virtual reality experiences, or interactive games that will keep them entertained throughout the event.

Reviewing Artists, Performers, and Entertainment Agencies

  • Do Your Research: Take the time to research and review different artists, performers, and entertainment agencies. Look at their previous work, client reviews, and testimonials to ensure they have a track record of delivering high-quality performances.
  • Attend Showcases or Performances: Whenever possible, attend showcases or performances by the artists or performers you are interested in hiring. This will give you a firsthand experience of their talent and stage presence.
  • Seek Recommendations: Ask for recommendations from colleagues, friends, or industry professionals who have organized similar events in the past. They may have valuable insights and suggestions.

Remember, the entertainment you choose should not only entertain your audience but also enhance the overall event experience. It’s essential to find that perfect balance that aligns with your event’s theme, atmosphere, and audience preferences. So, take your time to research, explore options, and review performers before making a final decision.

“Entertainment is about putting yourself out there, trying something new, and making memories. Choose wisely and create an unforgettable event.”

Negotiating Contracts and Agreements

When it comes to planning an event, negotiating contracts and agreements with entertainment performers or agencies is an important step in ensuring a successful and memorable experience for your attendees. Here are some tips to help you navigate the negotiation process and secure the best arrangement for your event:

Reviewing Performer Requirements and Riders

Before entering into any negotiation, it is essential to thoroughly review the performer’s requirements and riders. Riders are contract addendums that outline specific needs and preferences of the performer, such as technical specifications, dressing room requirements, and hospitality requests.

  • Take the time to understand what the performer needs to deliver their best performance and make sure these requirements can be met.
  • Consider factors like stage layout, technical equipment, and backstage facilities to ensure that the venue can accommodate the performer’s needs.

Negotiating Pricing and Payment Terms

Negotiating pricing and payment terms is often a delicate balancing act. While you want to secure the entertainment within your budget, it’s important to remember that quality performers come at a price. Here are some tips for effective negotiation:

  • Do thorough research on the market rates for similar performers to have a realistic understanding of pricing.
  • Prepare a budget range beforehand to help guide your negotiation strategy.
  • Be prepared to negotiate on various aspects of the deal, such as performance fees, additional services (such as meet and greets), and any travel or accommodation expenses.
  • Keep in mind that payment terms can also be negotiated, such as dividing the total fee into installments or arranging partial payment upfront and the remaining balance after the event.

Ensuring Legal Compliance

When negotiating contracts and agreements, it is crucial to ensure legal compliance to protect both parties involved. Here are some important considerations:

  • Seek legal advice and have a lawyer review the contract before signing. This will help you understand any potential risks and protect your rights as an event planner.
  • Pay close attention to clauses related to cancellation or force majeure, as unforeseen circumstances may arise that necessitate changes to the event plans.
  • Clearly outline all terms and conditions, including the agreed-upon deliverables, performance dates, and timings to avoid any misunderstandings later on.
  • Include provisions for liability and indemnity to limit your potential risks and responsibilities.

Negotiating contracts and agreements can be a complex process, but with proper preparation and understanding, you can secure the best terms and ensure a successful event. By reviewing performer requirements, negotiating pricing and payment terms, and ensuring legal compliance, you can create a solid foundation for successful negotiations.

Remember, clear communication, flexibility, and a win-win mindset can go a long way in reaching a mutually beneficial agreement with performers or entertainment agencies.

Logistics and Technical Considerations

When it comes to organizing an event, logistics and technical considerations play a crucial role in ensuring a smooth and successful experience for both the event planner and the attendees. From selecting the right venue to preparing the proper sound and lighting equipment, here are some key things to keep in mind:

Venues and Stage Setup

  • Choosing the right venue is paramount in creating the right atmosphere for your event. Consider factors such as capacity, accessibility, and overall ambience.
  • Determine the size and layout of the stage based on the type of entertainment you’ve chosen and the space available at the venue.
  • Optimize the stage setup to ensure good visibility for all attendees, allowing them to fully enjoy the entertainment.

Sound and Lighting Equipment

  • Arrange for professional sound engineers and technicians to handle the audio requirements of the event. They should be experienced in handling live performances and ensuring optimal sound quality.
  • Determine the lighting needs based on the nature of the entertainment and the overall atmosphere you want to create. Consider factors such as color scheme, intensity, and special effects.
  • Test the sound and lighting equipment before the event to identify and address any technical issues that may arise.

Pro tip: Have a backup plan in case of technical difficulties, such as extra sound equipment or backup power sources.

Rehearsals and Technical Run-throughs

  • It’s crucial to conduct rehearsals and technical run-throughs before the event to ensure that everything is in order.
  • Schedule rehearsal time for performers and technical crews to familiarize themselves with the stage setup and equipment.
  • Perform sound checks to adjust audio levels and ensure a balanced sound mix.
  • Run through lighting cues and effects to ensure a visually stunning performance.

“A successful event requires seamless coordination between performers, technicians, and event organizers. Rehearsing and conducting technical run-throughs are essential for a flawless execution.” – Event Planning Expert

Remember, the logistics and technical considerations are just as important as the entertainment itself. By paying attention to these details, you can create an event that leaves a lasting impression on your attendees and ensures a memorable experience for everyone involved.

Ensuring Smooth Event Execution

As an event planner, one of your main responsibilities is to ensure that the event you’re organizing runs smoothly from start to finish. This includes not only the logistics and technical aspects but also the smooth execution of the entertainment portion of the event. After all, entertainment plays a crucial role in setting the right atmosphere and ensuring a memorable experience for attendees. Here are some tips to help you ensure a smooth event execution when it comes to entertainment:

Coordinating with Event Managers and Staff

  • Communication is key when it comes to ensuring a smooth event execution. Coordinate closely with the event managers and staff to ensure that everyone is on the same page.
  • Provide detailed schedules and instructions to the event managers and staff, outlining the timing and requirements for each entertainment act. This will help them allocate the necessary resources and support.

Providing Clear Instructions to Performers

  • Before the event, have a detailed briefing with all the performers to ensure they are clear on their roles and responsibilities.
  • Provide them with a timeline and any specific requirements they need to be aware of.
  • Clearly communicate any changes or updates that may arise during the event to the performers, ensuring that everyone is well-prepared and able to adapt as needed.

Managing Unexpected Changes or Issues

  • Despite careful planning, unexpected changes or issues may arise during the event. It’s important to have a contingency plan in place.
  • Be prepared to handle last-minute changes or technical difficulties. Have backup performers or alternative entertainment options ready, just in case.
  • Maintain a calm and composed demeanor when addressing issues. Your ability to handle these situations gracefully will reflect positively on you as an event planner.

Remember, your role as an event planner extends beyond just organizing the logistics. You are responsible for ensuring that the entertainment portion of the event runs smoothly and leaves a lasting impression on attendees. By coordinating with event managers and staff, providing clear instructions to performers, and effectively managing unexpected changes or issues, you can ensure a seamless event execution.

“Smooth seas don’t make skillful sailors.” – African Proverb

Measuring Event Success and Feedback

After putting in all the hard work and effort into planning and executing an event, it’s essential to measure its success and gather feedback from attendees, clients, and stakeholders. This is crucial to understand what worked well and what can be improved upon for future events. In this section, we will discuss some strategies and tips for measuring event success and gathering valuable feedback.

Evaluating Attendee Satisfaction

One of the primary indicators of event success is attendee satisfaction. You want your guests to have a memorable and enjoyable experience. Here are some methods to evaluate attendee satisfaction:

  • Surveys: Create post-event surveys to gather feedback from attendees. Keep the survey short and concise, focusing on key aspects such as event content, organization, and overall satisfaction.
  • Interviews or Focus groups: Conduct one-on-one interviews or group discussions with a sample of attendees. This allows for more in-depth feedback and helps you understand their experiences and expectations better.
  • Social Media Monitoring: Monitor social media platforms to gauge attendee sentiment and collect comments or reviews from participants. Pay attention to hashtags related to your event and engage with attendees to show that you value their feedback.

Gathering Feedback from Clients and Stakeholders

In addition to attendee satisfaction, it’s also crucial to gather feedback from your clients and stakeholders. Their input will help you assess whether the event achieved its objectives and met their expectations. Here’s how you can gather feedback from these key individuals:

  • Client Surveys: Send out surveys specifically designed for clients to assess their satisfaction with the event. Ask questions about their goals, the event’s effectiveness in achieving those goals, and any areas for improvement.
  • One-on-One Discussions: Schedule meetings with clients and stakeholders to discuss their feedback and gather their insights. This personal interaction can provide valuable information and strengthen your relationships.
  • Feedback Forms: Provide feedback forms for clients and stakeholders to fill out after the event. Include questions that focus on specific aspects of the event, such as the organization, execution, and overall success.

Identifying Areas for Improvement

Once you have gathered feedback from attendees, clients, and stakeholders, it’s essential to analyze the data and identify areas for improvement. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Review Data: Analyze the survey responses, interview transcripts, and feedback forms to identify common patterns and themes. Look for areas that received consistently positive feedback and areas that need improvement.
  • Identify Key Metrics: Define key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your event objectives. These could include attendance numbers, participant engagement, feedback ratings, or return on investment (ROI).
  • Compare to Previous Events: If you have organized similar events in the past, compare the feedback and data to identify trends and track improvements over time.
  • Make Actionable Plans: Based on the feedback and identified areas for improvement, create actionable plans to address the issues and enhance future events. This could include changes to event logistics, program content, or attendee engagement strategies.

Remember, measuring event success and gathering feedback should not be a one-time activity. It’s an ongoing process that helps you continually improve and deliver exceptional events. By listening to your attendees, clients, and stakeholders, you’ll gain valuable insights that will guide you in planning and executing future events successfully.

“Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” – Ken Blanchard

Professional Development and Networking

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of event planning, it’s crucial for event planners to stay on top of industry trends, expand their knowledge, and build relationships with other professionals. Professional development and networking play a vital role in keeping event planners at the forefront of the entertainment industry. Here are some tips for professional development and networking:

Attending Industry Conferences and Workshops

Attending industry conferences and workshops is a fantastic way to gain new insights, learn from industry experts, and stay up to date with the latest trends and technologies. These events often feature educational sessions, panel discussions, and networking opportunities that can help you expand your knowledge and connect with like-minded professionals.

Pro-Tip: When attending conferences, make sure to set clear goals for what you want to achieve. Whether it’s learning about a specific topic, networking with industry leaders, or finding inspiration for your upcoming events, having a clear focus will make the experience more meaningful.

Keeping Up with Entertainment Trends

The entertainment industry is constantly evolving, with new trends emerging all the time. To stay relevant and provide unique and memorable experiences for your clients, it’s crucial to keep up with these trends. Follow industry publications, blogs, and social media accounts related to entertainment and event planning to stay informed about the latest developments.

Pro-Tip: Don’t just focus on trends within the event planning industry. Explore other areas of entertainment, such as music, art, and technology, to gain inspiration for your events. Thinking outside the box can help you create truly memorable experiences.

Building Relationships with Industry Professionals

Networking is a key component of professional development in any industry, and event planning is no exception. Building relationships with industry professionals can open doors to new opportunities, partnerships, and collaborations. Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and participate in online communities to connect with like-minded individuals.

Pro-Tip: Be proactive in your networking efforts. Reach out to industry professionals, introduce yourself, and find common ground to start meaningful conversations. Remember, networking is not just about what you can get from others, but also about how you can add value and support others in their endeavors.

By investing in professional development and networking, event planners can enhance their skills, broaden their horizons, and establish themselves as experts in the field. So, whether it’s attending conferences, keeping up with trends, or building relationships, never stop learning and growing in the dynamic world of event planning.


Planning an event that delivers exceptional entertainment requires careful consideration of various factors. From understanding the event requirements to selecting suitable entertainment options, negotiating contracts, managing logistics, ensuring smooth execution, and measuring event success, there are many steps involved in achieving entertainment excellence. However, by following the tips outlined in this article, event planners can increase the chances of hosting a memorable and successful event.

Remember, at the core of any successful event is a deep understanding of the audience and their preferences. By identifying the event type, target audience, and setting clear objectives, planners can tailor the entertainment choices to create a truly engaging experience.

Researching and selecting suitable entertainment options goes hand in hand with event planning. Considering the event theme and atmosphere, exploring different types of entertainment, and reviewing artists and performers can help event planners find the perfect fit for their event. Working with reputable entertainment agencies can also simplify the process by providing access to a variety of talent options.

When it comes to negotiating contracts and agreements, it’s important to carefully review performer requirements, pricing, and payment terms. Legal compliance is also crucial to avoid any potential issues down the line. Seek legal advice when necessary, and ensure that all parties involved are on the same page before signing any agreements.

Logistics and technical considerations should never be overlooked. From choosing the right venue and stage setup to coordinating sound and lighting equipment, proper planning is essential for a seamless event. Conduct rehearsals and technical run-throughs to identify and address any potential issues beforehand.

During the event execution, effective communication and coordination with event managers and staff are key. Clear instructions to performers and a contingency plan for unexpected changes or issues will help keep the event running smoothly.

Once the event is over, measuring its success and gathering feedback is crucial for future improvement. Evaluate attendee satisfaction, gather feedback from clients and stakeholders, and identify areas for refinement in future events.

Lastly, don’t forget about professional development and networking. Attending industry conferences and workshops, keeping up with entertainment trends, and building relationships with industry professionals can help event planners stay informed and connected in the fast-paced entertainment industry.

In conclusion, excellence in event entertainment requires meticulous planning, thoughtful selection, and effective execution. By following these tips and applying a dash of creativity, event planners can take their events to the next level, leaving a lasting impression on attendees and creating unforgettable experiences. So, go ahead and start planning your next entertainment-focused event with confidence and flair!


Contact Funny Business Agency to get vetted entertainment ideas for your event. Email: here. or Call 888-593-7387.


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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What are some tips for event planners to achieve entertainment excellence?
Some tips for event planners to achieve entertainment excellence include: 1. Understanding the target audience and their preferences, 2. Collaborating with experienced entertainment professionals, 3. Incorporating a variety of entertainment options, 4. Creating a seamless flow of entertainment throughout the event, and 5. Paying attention to small details that enhance the overall entertainment experience.
How important is entertainment in an event?
Entertainment plays a crucial role in an event as it helps create a memorable and enjoyable experience for attendees. It keeps the audience engaged, enhances the atmosphere, and adds excitement and energy to the event.
What are some popular entertainment options for events?
Some popular entertainment options for events include live bands or DJs, interactive performances, comedy acts, magicians, dancers, photo booths, and immersive experiences such as virtual reality or augmented reality activities.
How can event planners ensure a smooth flow of entertainment throughout the event?
To ensure a smooth flow of entertainment throughout the event, event planners should create a detailed schedule or timeline that includes specific time slots for each entertainment segment. They should also coordinate with the entertainers to ensure timely transitions and avoid any disruptions.
What are some small details that can enhance the overall entertainment experience?
Some yips for Event planners include small details that can enhance the overall entertainment experience include proper lighting and sound setup, comfortable seating arrangements, themed decorations that align with the entertainment, and providing additional amenities like refreshments or interactive elements for the attendees.